Our Philosophy

The basic Hare Krishna beliefs can be summarized as follows

What is the Hare Krishna Philosophy?

The term “Hare Krishna”, or The Hare Krishna Movement™ Organization, formally The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), is trying to give human society an opportunity for a life of happiness, good health, peace of mind and all good qualities through God Consciousness. The ultimate goal for all living beings is to reawaken their love for God, or Lord Krishna, the “all-attractive one”.

It reads as follows

Kolkata-born A.C. Bhakitivedanta Swami (1896-1977), also known as Shrila Prabhupada, who founded The Hare Krishna Movement™ in New York in 1966, wrote a statement that was used in the religion’s initial incorporation. This statement is still relevant for ISKCON, and sometimes serves as a Mission Statement.

Founder’s Statement

The Hare Krishna Movement™ Organization is historically very significant, for now for the first time since the days of the Roman Empire, an Asian religion is being openly practiced by people of western origin in the streets of western cities.

-Dr. A.L. Basham.
A Cultural History of India

H NO 540, ISKCON, GUT no 385, Galtare, Wada, Palghar 421303, Maharashtra.

  • Galtare, P.O. Hamrapur, Wada Taluka,
    District Palghar - 421 303,
    Maharashtra, India
